Bench Press Max Chart
Calculate Your 1 REP MAX (1RM)

You can estimate your one-rep Bench Press Max based on the amount of weight you can lift now \(・∀・)/

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Bench Press Max Chart - Calculate Your 1 REP MAX (1RM)
Bench Press Max Chart - Calculate Your 1 REP MAX (1RM)
Bench Press Max Chart - Calculate Your 1 REP MAX (1RM)
Bench Press Max Chart - Calculate Your 1 REP MAX (1RM)
Bench Press Max Chart - Calculate Your 1 REP MAX (1RM)
Bench Press Max Chart - Calculate Your 1 REP MAX (1RM)
Bench Press Max Chart - Calculate Your 1 REP MAX (1RM)
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Calculating 1RM of Bench Press Max

1RM is calculated by the following formula.

 1RM=weight * (the number of repetitions) / 40 + weight

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